Request each group to pick one sustainability strip from the pile.
Group members should read the sustainability strip and consider the
meaning of the given principle of sustainability (2 minutes).
Each group member should think of one way the principle of sustainability
could be implemented in the community AND one way it could be
implemented in his/her own home (see following example). One
person in each group should write down the statements.
of nonrenewable resources should be "paid for" through increased
renewable resource replacement.
Sample answer:
"Our community will plant many more forested areas to make up for
all the coal we burn to create electricity."
Level: Our community will purchase or reclaim rundown community
acreage (brownfields) and replant with trees.
Level: My family will plant four native trees per family member
per year to "pay for" the amount of carbon dioxide we expend
each year traveling by automobile, airplane, and boat.
Ask the
leader of each group to read aloud the group's principles of sustainability
and report members ideas to the larger group.
the suggestions.
On the Community level:
suggestions did participants like? Why?
Which suggestions could be implemented this year?
On the
Home level:
Which suggestions were good? Why?
If many people followed a suggestion, how would the community benefit?
Which suggestions could be started today?
Collect the sustainability strips, if you want to use them again.
Repeat Steps
2 though 6 until each group has considered at least one environmental,
one economic, and one societal sustainability strip.
Donella. et al. 1992. Beyond the Limits. Chelsea Green Publishing
Co. Post Mills, Vermont.
Susan. 1997. Sustainable Development: A Meta Review of Definitions,
Principles, Criteria, Indications, Conceptual Frameworks, Information
Systems. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Natural Step. 1997. Curriculum Version 3.0
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 1997.
Educating for a Sustainable Future: A Transdisciplinary Vision
for Concerted Action.