Participants decide on a specific project they are working toward,
and agree on a short description of the project (e.g., greening the
school building and yard; reorienting the pre-service teacher education
to address sustainability).
Participants complete worksheet individually, writing in any concerns
they have about people or circumstances that would prevent the accomplishment
of this particular project, (e.g., the director won't like it, lack
of funding, lack of vision, not a priority of the administration). Complete
columns 2 through 4 to explore whether these concerns are assumptions
or not.
Participants share their ideas from Columns 2, 3, and 4. Encourage
participants to share information that verifies, invalidates, or gives
insight into the assumptions about each perceived barrier to accomplishment
of the project.
Participants discuss what steps need to be taken to accomplish the
project (column 5). If the steps listed in column 5 seem inadequate,
discuss alternative ways to accomplish the project and list them in
column 6.