and Learning for a Sustainable Future (A UNESCO site) This is a multimedia, interactive professional development program with materials, exercises, and links that help educators deepen their understanding of education for sustainability and its importance in addressing the economic, social, and environmental issues of the world. This site presents key educational issues that form the rationale for Education for a Sustainable Future (ESF), including:
The exercises help develop an appreciation of the range of ESF objectives regarding knowledge, values, and skills, as well as an understanding of the broad scope of actions needed to reorient education. Key themes include the evolving nature of interdependence, citizenship/stewardship, rights of future generations, diversity; quality of life, uncertainty; and sustainability. Second
Nature This site offers guidance and assistance to institutions of higher education in their efforts to make sustainability an integral part of the institution and expand sustainability into personal and community life. The site is designed for a range of audiences and includes resource guides for faculty, administration, and students. These resource guides foster an understanding of sustainability issues and provide examples of how others are working together across traditional boundaries in both campus and community. Each guide includes on-line databases of bibliographies, contacts, calendars of workshops and other events, and links to descriptions of case studies of sustainability efforts at various higher education institutions. The site's Resource Center section, originally known as Starfish, provides an extensive database of syllabi for courses that address environmental themes. The Alliance for Sustainability Through Higher Education is a multi-institution effort to foster awareness and initiatives related to education for sustainability.
for a Sustainable Future This is a non-profit organization in Canada that helps educators and students integrate concepts of sustainability into the curriculum. This multi-lingual site includes:
Ecology A National Wildlife Federation (NWF) program, Campus Ecology is a conservation initiative in higher education that aims to transform the nation's college campuses into living models of an ecologically sustainable society. The Campus Ecology program is working to train a new generation of environmental leaders and ensure a strong future for America's environmental movement. The resources of this NWF program include Campus Ecology fellowships, technical assistance, publications, conference information, and a "Campus Ecology Action Toolkit." Greening
the Campus: Sustainability and Higher Education This is another site supporting the nationwide movement to incorporate environmental principles into curricula and facility operations. "Greening the Campus" looks beyond the creation of new academic departments and programs for campus greening to include information on efforts aimed at ensuring that every student - regardless of major - graduates with a greater awareness of environmental issues and their importance. These initiatives often include "environmental audits" that examine the use of resources and the environmental impacts of university operations in solid waste, water, energy, and transportation. Similar inventories also inform curriculum development, in which groups of faculty systematically review courses and their content to identify areas in which concepts of sustainability can be introduced. The Greening the Campus site also includes examples of "campus greening" programs:
Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) This site provides information and resource referrals, facilitates communication, offers technical assistance, and conducts training workshops that support institutional initiatives to engender environmentally responsible decision making and action through education. ULSF works in partnership with over 275 signatories of the Talloires Declaration and other colleges and universities pursuing sustainability. ULSF fosters institutional capacity to develop ecologically sound policies and practices and strives to make sustainability a major focus of curriculum, research, operations, and outreach at higher education institutions worldwide." Sustainable
Development on Campus: Tools for Campus Decision Makers This site includes learning modules, case studies, action plans, environmental policies, resources, forums, and contacts - all designed to help administration, students, or faculty implement sustainable development on campus - and also includes links to a "bookshelf" of key reports and guides covering university leadership, green campus administration, curriculum issues, and student actions. Sustainability
Education This site offers the "Multi-strand Approach," which gives teachers a way to customize current curricula to include sustainability concepts. This approach involves changing one's teaching structure from teaching discreet individual topics to choosing a theme and teaching all subjects from within this theme. "Mining a topic from all angles" is a standard style of teaching for K-5 enclosed classrooms, but can be adopted for all grade levels. To customize current curricula, visitors to the site can link to a list of Sample Activities or consult the Criteria Evaluation to quickly interject varied concerns not included directly within the curriculum. The Criteria Evaluation provides basic guidelines to help teachers evaluate whether or not their curriculum embraces sustainability concepts. This tool is designed to simplify the complex process of incorporating sustainability content into the curricula by breaking down sustainability into its essential, but not inseparable, components. Green
Teacher This is a magazine by and for educators to enhance environmental and global education across the curriculum at all grade levels. Each issue contains:
Learning, Inc. Global Learning, Inc. is a non-profit educational organization that translates the world's growing interdependence into educational activities for teachers, students, librarians, and educational systems, from elementary school through college and in community settings. Its Sustainable Development Program is actively engaged in two major projects.
Global Learning's approach to multicultural education is based on a commitment to increasing equity within the pluralistic society of the United States and on a vision of a healthy, inclusive human community. It stresses the development of cross-cultural attitudes and skills that help students and teachers interact positively with people who may appear different from themselves. Global Learning's services for schools, colleges, and professional associations include program presentations, in-service workshops, curriculum development consultations, conference planning, and professional networking. Global Learning also provides affirmative action workshops on cross-cultural awareness and conflict resolution for corporations. Global Learning has developed several teacher resources (including sample lessons and more) focusing on the interrelated concepts of the environment, development, and equity, including:
Sustainability Education Center This site offers educational materials, professional development, and community education focused on sustainability. The Center builds on the American Forum's 28 years of program expertise in global and environmental education, technical assistance, and curriculum and professional development. The Sustainability Education Center explores the relationships among economic systems, ecological systems, and justice in contexts ranging from local communities to global institutions. The goal of these explorations, and sustainability education in general, is to provide young people and citizens with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to meet their own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. The Center pilots its programs and materials in the schools of its hometown of New York City before taking them on the road nationally and internationally. The professional development programs and educational materials developed by the Center help community groups, educators, and young people understand the connections necessary for sustainability and provide them with the skills to find integrated solutions to environmental challenges. The Center's overall goal is to increase knowledge and understanding of the concept and process of sustainability among pre-collegiate teachers, their students, administrators, teacher educators, and community members. The Center aims to achieve this goal by helping to improve and facilitate school and community relationships and collaborations using sustainability as the integrating force, while encouraging the schools themselves to become communities of learners. The Center also serves as an educational resource for the collection and dissemination of information about sustainability materials as well as about organizations, institutions, and individuals that are active in sustainability education initiatives. Southwestern
Ecoliteracy Project This site takes the position that radical change is needed in our cultural relationship to the natural world. The Project seeks to advance an ecoliterate citizenry capable of perceiving and responding intelligently to the complexities and potential crises involved in this inter-relationship. The Project invites collaboration with interested individuals and other organizations toward this purpose. The Project offers educational programs to professionals, including professional development for college faculty and teachers, as well as public workshops and talks. World
Resources Institute (WRI) Education Center This is an unusual Web site in that it offers programs designed for environmental stewardship for business, with links to:
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